Avoid Undeliverable Mail

Businesses that send critical information through the mail or rely on mail to get paid know the importance of making sure mail is delivered.  Take steps to improve your data quality and avoid undelivered mail and packages.

Assess Your Data

Your business likely deals with high volumes of information you collect from customers. With such high volumes of information, it is so important to check the quality of your data. Incorrect addresses, names, and data used for mailing can impact your business. Poor data quality can be incredibly costly!

Assess your data and see how your business utilizes its data. Resources to validate your data are available for high volume mailing. Use technology to check your databases and ensure customer data is complete and correct!

Check Data Entry

Data errors can come from entering incorrect information into your systems at the start. Whether customers are providing the wrong information, the mistakes occur from human error, or typos, these data errors can add up. Check your information when you enter it into your system to save time in the future.

Consider an Address Verification Tool

The USPS has a database of up-to-date addresses. This database is available to all mailers who want to evaluate data quality and verify addresses. The Coding Accuracy Support System, CASS, can validate the accuracy of your addresses.

CASS verifies:

  • City and street spelling
  • Street suffixes
  • Zip codes

Businesses can save money on postage by using this tool to verify information and ensure customer data is accurate and up-to-date.

Another useful tool is National Change of Address, NCOA. This tool checks for any change of address and will notify you if your system is not accurate. If a customer moves without notifying you of any address change, you may have undelivered mail. Use this tool to ensure you are mailing to the correct address.


Data quality is incredibly important for your business and checking your data accuracy can save unnecessary expenses.