Francotyp Postalia Postage Meters

Francotyp Postalia provides postage meters for businesses across the United States. This company runs a network of distributors. These independent dealers allow customers to have access to local and personalized services while also utilizing the technology provided by a large corporation.

Francotyp Postalia offers a wide range of meters for both small and large businesses.

Available Postage Meters

Francotyp Postalia offers a wide variety of high-end postage meter machines. Below are some of the most popular leased machines.

  • PostBase mini
  • PostBase econ
  • PostBase semi
  • PostBase auto
  • PostBase pro
  • PostBase proDS
  • PostBase one

Available features of these machines include an integrated scale, a label dispenser, an automatic feeder and sealer, and the option to include up to 200 accounts. Additionally, Francotyp Postalia machines come in six different colors.

Why Francotyp Postalia?

Francotyp Postalia offers high end customer support from the initial consultation to its extensive dealer network to the customer’s orientation. This company also maintains a close partnership with the USPS to ensure all products are compliant and customers are aware of changes in rates and policies.

When choosing a postage meter, consider Francotyp Postalia and its wide range of postage meters to suit your business needs.